How is it the end of February?

This year is flying by. I can’t believe it’s the last week in February already!

February has been a write off. I didn’t manage to shake the virus off properly at the start of the month and it’s still making its presence felt having left me with breathlessness which requires an inhaler at times. Almost everything has fallen by the wayside in the last couple of weeks. It’s only this week that I’ve been able to stay on top of the basic housework without relying on the monkeyfather to help me, and that’s partly thanks to a wonderful, restful few days staying with my lovely mother.

I haven’t spent quality time with the monkeygranny since last summer, it was great to be back at home and able to switch off a bit. It was brilliant to see the wonderful relationship she has with my two monkeys as well.

My photography has fallen by the wayside this month. I took a lot of photos while I was up north, but on the whole it was just using the automatic settings and hoping for the best rather than trying to set anything up properly. I think I may have put too much pressure on myself at the start of the year with the photo365 challenge, I don’t think I realised quite how precariously my depression was balancing. I’m going to try to keep taking photos, but if I don’t take them, or I don’t post them on here then so be it.

In other notes, the poll for the names of my Lego couple closed with the decision that they are called Bob and Martha. I will try to include a photo of one of both of them once a week or so (but I’m not going to commit to anything).

I hope to be around more in the coming days but, again, no promises.

To resolve, or not to resolve, that is the question….

It’s at this time of year that many people make New Years Resolutions, things they aim to achieve in the upcoming year.

I was thinking about this earlier and what I may do. I came to the conclusion that resolutions with a specific target (i.e. I will lose 14lbs by Easter) are destined to fail for me. If any thing distracts me or goes wrong then I can get very disillusioned and upset and abandon all hope.

Instead, this year I am going to have some aims for the year ahead; areas of my life I want to change but I’m not going to set myself deadlines or specific targets.

So here goes… by 31st December 2014 I would like to

  • be fitter – improve my stamina and fitness so I can keep with the monkeyfather and my precious little monkeys when we go on walks. Exercise and walking should help my depression as well.
  • eat more fruit and vegetables – I rarely eat 2 a day let alone the supposed 5 a day. It would do my health (and fitness!) the world of good if I could increase that.
  • eat less processed food – I currently rely on frozen meat/chips/pizza far to often to feed us all. I want to improve all of our diets by using my slow cooker more and planning meals better so I don’t just panic and rush to the freezer at 5:30pm.
  • learn how to use my new camera properly – my Christmas present from the wonderful monkeyfather was a lovely new camera, it’s more complicated than a simple point and shoot and I want to be able to use more of its functions to take better pictures of the amazing people and world around me. (warning this may involve me posting more photos here… I may try photo365 again!).
  • watch less TV – I rely on the TV to relax me and help me rest a lot. I’d like to replace that with reading and crafting more.
  • read and study my bible more – ok, so this should probably have been nearer the top of my list – I need to spend more time with God and His word as I know it can help me though what life throws at me.
  • have a tidier house – I’m a hoarder and clutterbug and as a result most surfaces in my house are covered with odds and ends. I’d like to be able to invite people round without being worried about that they may think and without feeling guilty. With a tidier house it should be easier for craft more as well which helps me relax.
  • use my sewing machine – I have a fabulous sewing machine (and thanks to my lovely mum a gorgeous sewing basket), but I don’t know how to do anything other than a very basic line on things. I’d love to be able to make clothes for myself and the children and things for the house.

That seems like quite a list, but in actual fact many of these support each other and different facets of day-to-day life. Nothing there is unachievable and the combination of them all (well, minus the camera and sewing machine) should help make my family and house happier.

I’ll try to update once a month or so on how I’m doing, but I’m not going to put extra pressure on myself by promising that I will.