Long time no blog!

Hello again to anyone who may still be reading this. It’s been rather a long time since I posted anything. I stopped my photo365 project when I couldn’t stay on top of taking a photo to fit in with the prompt every day, which led to me leaving the blog alone for a long time.

I have come back with another project, however I don’t intend to put as much pressure on myself this time. I’ve always loved the idea of learning to draw but have never settled down to it, with packing the house up ready to put on the market in the next few months most of my crafty things have been put into storage, however I have kept out pens, pencils and sketchbooks with  the intention of starting now. I have bought myself a book and workbook (Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain – Betty Edwards) and I’m going to work my way through the lessons in there. I’m hoping to post my progress at least once a week (I did consider trying to complete and post a lesson a day, but that’s not sustainable), maybe up to three or four times but one as a minimum.

I’m also joining in with #sketch52 which is a weekly sketchbook challenge set up by Debbie at Qalballah.com. She has produced a list of 52 prompts to work through and set up a Facebook group and Flickr group for us to share our work. I’m loving seeing what others are doing and it’s definitely inspiring me to do more, though I don’t think mine are very good compared to the others – hopefully the lessons in the book I’m going to work through will help.wpid-wp-1431533927424.jpeg

As we’ve tidied the house ready to sell it, we’ve created a little crafting corner (or den, as the boychild calls it!) under the stairs for me. I love my cozy little corner. There isn’t a lot of natural light (which also goes for most of the house) but hubby has set us a good lamp for me which I can angle to whatever I’m doing when we don’t need it for extra light in the room. My bureau drawers are full of sketchbooks, colouring books, books about drawing, pens and pencils (as well as the cards and gift wrap that every mum seems to need a supply of!). It’s my space – no more sharing the dining table with the children/their meals/general family detritus. Here’s to making more time for creativity!